Loving woman hoping to adopt.
Adoptive Parent Profile
#RaisingLove #mamamaybe #longawaited #openadoption
Adoptive Mother - Seeking to Adopt - Dreaming of Raising a Daughter in Love
If some internet searching has led you here, and you are curious about adopting your sweet baby to another loving woman who deeply longs to be a mother, then welcome! Please learn a little about me, Crystal Bailey.
I've been on a very long journey of desiring motherhood and hoping ANY way will work for me to be able to devote myself to adoring a young soul and raising it in the way of Love.
Looking for open adoption?
Children want to know all their people. We all do. We are curious. We want to feel wanted and loved. Your baby will one day be very curious about you and what your eyes are like and whether you like strawberry ice cream.
I mostly buy chocolate ice cream, and ice cream treats is be a big part of raising a child right IMO! so this is why it's important that your child and you get access to knowing each other, even if I am the mother role raising your child.
Do you feel too young to be a mother?
Are you young and not ready to be a mother? My heart really goes out to you and the children of young moms. My life work has been supporting pregnancy and babies as a midwife. My former foster daughter just had a baby as a teen, and I was with her during the labor, making sure she felt held and supported. She wants to be the mother to her baby, and that's wonderful. I know I would not have been ready to live a life struggling to get my schooling done, make enough money, travel, and grow my confidence in who I am. Now that I have all of that, I am so ready to be the stable mother figure that can devote so much to raising a child.
I am a loving Christian woman who works with pregnancy, birth, and women's health. I have a beautiful home, a supportive community, a healthy family, and am ready to adopt.
I currently live in Atlanta, Georgia, but I would love to move back to Tennessee one day. My parents and siblings and nieces and nephews all live in Ohio though so I wouldn't be shocked if I moved there one day because they are all wonderful (I just don't like the cold!). I have family in Tx, NM, and Ca. My best girlfiends are in WA, TN, and NC. I have traveled a lot!! I've been all over the world, but have actually lived in Africa 3 times doing humanitarian work . In 2023 I spent a month on the island of Bali and I am dreaming of taking a daughter there one day.
My work-
I am a Nurse Midwife. Women hire me to be their midwife when they plan a homebirth and want a holistic approach. I love creating a peaceful, powerful space for women to birth and feel safe, and for babies to be treated gently and with love right from the start. I am also a Naturopathic Doctor, so I am trained to use herbs and natural treatments. I have my own practice and can create my own schedule. Three days a week I see clients. Recently I started training to be a Feminine Embodiment Coach because I love helping women be more balanced in our mental, emotional and physical health, and I think this will add more time for me to enjoy being a mother.
"I'm going to make everything around me beautiful- that will be my life." -Elsie de Wolfe
About My Personality
I was pretty shy and the nice, smart girl when I was young. I was voted most likely to succeed, and did all the volunteer and student leadership activities... but this was because I lived in a stable home and my parents let me spend all my energy on things I enjoyed. But what did I enjoy? What ended up being my true personality?
I'm definitely an adventurer!
I love traveling, taking roadtrips with no plan, meeting new people, learning new cultures, and trying new things.
I love people and yet I love to recharge in a quiet, peaceful home.
Working to take care of people and having time with my best friends' family is where I get my people time. I'm an introvert in every other way. I never wanted to party or be wild. Board games all the way!
Nature and trees bring me peace.
I feel so connected to nature and need to get next to streams, waterfalls, big rocks and tall trees at least a few times a month. My dream is to have a home on land that preserves these pieces of nature.
Wildflowers are my soul-match in nature.
I've always been captivated by the beauty of wild flowers that grow without needing a lot of maintenance. They interconnect with the soil, the sun, the weather, and then bloom, adding beauty after hard winter seasons. I am pretty resilient, like to feel hope, and look to the beauty that comes from each season, so I guess that is why I feel connected to the wildflower.
About My Family
My mom and dad are still in love after 50 years. My two brothers have beautiful families with amazing, loving wives. Both of my brothers are so smart, but also really good with people so they've done well in their careers. One brother has 4 daughers, and one has 3 sons and one daughter. All my nieces and nephews are great kids, super sweet, sensitive, loving, and considerate. They also think I am the best aunt because I love to bring them gifts and play with them.
Every summer we take a family vacation together to a lake in Kentucky (Lake Cumberland). Papa (my dad) has a big boat named "The Cookie Cruiser" because we love to eat Chips A'hoy while floating in the water. We all had to try to learn to ski, but I was not very good. My mom is the best at everything, or was! She was amazing at skiing, tennis, raquetball, and now she loves golf and pickleball. My dad is basically a golf-addict now and they live on a golf course. It's pretty though!
One brother has a big house with a really long table where we have Thanksgiving. It looks like a magazine. Then we go downstairs to the movie theatre room and watch Elf, or make up games, or play tag. We love board games and my nieces are getting good at beating me!
I was always the most artistic child and loved doing crafts with my mom. Well, I guess my mom is artistic, and her brother is an architect, and my cousins draw and do animation... so there is a lot of artsy stuff in there. I love painting, but pottery has been what I've gotten good at as an adult.
I love my family. We all get along because we are amicable people that like peace. No drama. We are open minded, care about people, have faith in God, and are all pretty healthy in our bodies and minds. I have so much to be thankful for, and the way to parent with love, grace, and doing lots of crafts was ingrained in me. I'm sure I'll add more adventure to my parenting style with hiking, travel, and exposure to different cultures and people, but mostly, I loved the peaceful style of parenting in my family and respectful independence and support given to each child to become their own person.
My Faith
I am a spiritual person.
I was raised and continue in the Christian religion.
I see the Oneness of a God in a lot of different people's beliefs and religions, and feel like one day we will see each other in Heaven. Exploring God, spirituality, Faith, and beliefs is an important part of life and something I want to foster, support and create space for a child to develop as they become their own person. If I help her feel the love of God, I think she'll always return to that abundant Love.
How does adoption work?
In an open adoption, you place your baby with a mother that raises her 100% as her own with all legal rights and financial obligations. You as the birth mother are still 100% the biological mother, and you become a different role that is still important so that your child can know you and you can know her.
If you're not sure how adoption would work, just know that it's something we do together. I'd hire the lawyer who specializes in all the paperwork that gets done. I can be a part of your pregnancy and birth, or not. I've been a midwife to girls choosing adopt out their baby, and usually the adoptive parent was either at the hospital or in the birth room. The birth mother is always encouraged to have the initial birth moments with the baby, but that can be hard. Sometimes she wants to hold the baby later, but not initially. Everyone supports what the birth mother feels she wants to do. The birth mother can even change her mind and keep the baby and the legal system protects that right, as it should. That would be really hard for me since I've been waiting so long to get to keep a baby (because I deliver them as a midwife but always hand them over!). If this is meant to be, if I am meant to mother and raise your baby, and you are meant to be the birth mother who gets updates and get to have a more "adult" relationship later in life, then I trust the process will be something we can support each other in.
Since I've already had to complete a home study, background check, counseling approval and parenting classes to be a foster mom, you should feel comfortable that these steps in the adoption process (for me) will be smooth.
Would you like to connect about potential adoption?
You can also message me on IG @wildflowermidwife
It's 100% just a casual inquiry, no pressure. We'd have to both feel right about it.
Lastly, blessings on you, young brave sweet one.
May today and all your days of pregnancy, and all the decisions, and the emotions feel soft and easy to get through.
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